What We Offer

Helping couples, Churches and Community groups build

Relationship skills

Helping organizations create safe spaces for relationship skill-building

Relationship strategies

Guiding couples through transformative relationship strategies to evolve

Relationship Solutions

Original and curated content, tools & resources to build love & legacy

Tools to Build Love & Legacy

Couples Check-in Guide

“How was your day?” just won’t cut it when it comes to connection. Use this guide to help create a healthy rhythm for staying in tune with your partner’s mind, body, soul, and heart.

Love Journey Map

There is a lesson in every story, including your love story. Use this guide to reflect on the peaks and the valleys of your love journey and leverage the lessons learned to help you thrive in the future.

Vow Activation Guide

Many couples leave their wedding vows at the altar when they say, “I DO.” Use this Guide to uncover the power of living out your vows to create lasting love & legacy,

Love & Legacy Merch!

Please note: All Love & Legacy merchandise is purchased separately from book sales.

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